If you are planning to travel the world, or emigrating to a different country you may need to sell your house as quickly as possible in order to raise finance. Before you can sell your property, you need to conduct a valuation so that you can know what it is worth in the property market. Selling your home and moving across the world to a strange country is one of the biggest decisions you will make and so it is important to get it right. You will also want know exactly how to sell your house quickly for a good price and still get the much needed cash in your bank in a short space of time. Here are tips to help get your property ready for a valuation:
- Spring clean – The most basic thing you need to do is to clean up and clear out the clutter with the help of a service such as Temporary Dumpster to keep everything handled as you go through the house. Spring cleaning is important, as it will improve your property’s appearance. Removing clutter will also allow a valuer to observe the entire extent of your property without being distracted. Also, look for any minor damage that the property may have incurred, which may require tending by Property Damage Restoration Experts. These little maintenances can increase the value of your property quite considerably.
- The exterior needs work – It is also important to make a good first impression. This means that you need to keep the outside areas, be it your paved walkways, vinyl siding, or brick patios neat and tidy with the help of professional cleaners like the ones at Renew Crew. By opting for their Pressure Washing Services in NW Arkansas and similar locations, you can make the outdoor areas spotless. Remember that showing off your property in the best light will improve its worth in the eyes of the valuer.
- Do your own research – Before a valuer arrives at your doorstep, it is important to conduct your own independent valuation. There are many online resources and websites that can help you determine how much you can expect to get from your property. You can also check out the prices of similar properties in your location through real estate platforms such as Listo to get a clearer idea of your property’s value. Doing your own research can help you set realistic expectations and make informed decisions when selling your property, as well as allowing you to ensure the broker’s evaluation is fair.
- Seek a third opinion – You should consider getting several valuations from brokers or online real estate websites, like www.creamcitydynamics.com or similar, before choosing a particular estate agent to work with. While at it, do not fall for the agent giving you the highest property valuation. Always choose an estate agent that you can trust. A good estate agent will be active in your local market, offer good prices and one who is highly motivated to help you sell your house.
- Ask questions – You need to prepare some questions that you would want to ask a valuer before they arrive at your property. This makes it easier for you to get the important facts about the valuation. In addition, anything that is not clear can be explained. If you have altered or improved the property, let the agent know exactly what you have done to the place as well as their associated costs.
- Get out of the way – Even though it is important to show off every feature you feel might add some value to your property, you should not try to “sell” it to the property valuer. The valuer knows the important features to check for. In addition, give the valuer enough time and space to do their job and ask any questions after the valuation is done.
- Be realistic – You should also be realistic with your expectations and understand that property valuation is not a precise science. If you disagree with your property valuation, ask your agent for an explanation. For each session with an estate agent, allow enough time so that you can get every information you need to make a good selling decision.
Every estate agent will offer different packages and fee structures. Ensure that every cost associated with the property sale has been fully explained to you and that the agent gives and confirms a total selling price in writing. This way, you will know how much you will be expected to pay when the sale is completed.